About Me
Hi, I'm Sarah!
I'm so glad you're here! If you're nervous about pulling the trigger on committing to personal fitness training, I get it. I've been there! The first time I walked into the gym to sign up for personal training I wondered if I was doing the right thing by spending money on myself. I wondered if I would actually follow through and show up. I wondered if I would be able to do the workouts. I wondered if I would see any results. I wondered if I would run into people I knew at the gym and if they would judge me. I wondered how out of place and uncomfortable I would feel.

I signed up for a three month training package and started that very day. I needed to have skin in the game. I needed accountability and education. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I learned how to feel comfortable in the gym along with correct  lifting techniques. My strength and confidence grew. I started to feel good in my own skin. My energy levels increased. The strength, confidence, and additional energy I gained from the gym started to spill over to other areas of my life. I learned that I can do hard things. I picked up old hobbies like downhill skiing, and embraced new adventures like backpacking and mountain climbing. Working on my fitness and health allowed me to chase dreams and engage in hobbies that I previously didn’t believe I was capable of. I went from having trouble making it up steep hills, to climbing and standing on the top of mountains. The only thing that had been standing in my way was my own self limiting beliefs, and my health and fitness.

I fell in love with the process of weight training along the way. I found myself spending hours in the gym completing my own workouts, learning new things, and unlocking new levels of potential, strength, and fitness. Once it was clear where my passions were, I knew I wanted to become a professional. I am now a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach. I have completed additional certifications in Weight Training Program Design, The Science of Nutrition, and am currently in progress with a Training the Female Athlete certification. I love to learn and in turn empower others to reach their goals.
 My Fitness Philosophy 
  • Meet clients where they are
  • A smart and well-structured program completed consistently over time delivers results
  • Sustainability and adherence is the foundation of health and fitness habits
  • Empowering and educating clients to get the results they want is my #1 job
  • Mindset is pivotal to success and is an integral part of coaching
  • We are physically and mentally capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for
If you're reading these words, chances are you want to feel good in your skin, gain muscle, strength, confidence, mobility, endurance, and energy to do the things you love. You're in the right place. I've invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into my education and certifications in fitness and nutrition. My programs contain everything you need to succeed.

Sign up to work with me and let's unleash your potential.
Schedule a free consultation
 My Fitness Philosophy 

  • Meet clients where they are
  • A smart and well-structured program completed consistently over time delivers results
  • Sustainability and adherence is the foundation of health and fitness habits
  • Empowering and educating clients to get the results they want is my #1 job
  • Mindset is pivotal to success and is an integral part of coaching
  • We are physically and mentally capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for
If you're reading these words, chances are you want to feel good in your skin, gain muscle, strength, confidence, mobility, endurance, and energy to do the things you love. You're in the right place. I've invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into my education and certifications in fitness and nutrition. My programs contain everything you need to succeed.

Sign up to work with me and let's unleash your potential.
Schedule a free consultation
Sarah Zander Fitness
Serving Silverton, OR
(503) 428-0077
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Sarah Zander Fitness
Serving Silverton, OR
(503) 428-0077
Sign up for my newsletter